The BBS Awareness Campaign - St.
Louis Chapter
Membership Application Form
organization is a free non-profit St. Louis based
sysop/user group affiliated with the national BBS
Awareness Campaign. Our purpose is to increase public
awareness of the computer bulletin board and the use of
it as a hobby and as an alternative to the internet. Our
group is comprised of BBS system adminstrators and the
members of their respective computer bulletin boards. We
meet regularly to exchange ideas on BBS promotion and to
discuss ways to increase traffic in the local BBS
community. We publish a quarterly newsletter and
distribute BBS promotion diskettes which contain a
freeware communications program that self-installs and
which contains a current dialing directory of St. Louis
area BBSes. If you would like to join our chapter and
receive our newsletter and notification of our chapter
meetings, fill out the form below and submit it. If you
have further questions, you can e-mail Beth Brooks (aka
Fire Escape) who is the coordinator for our chapter.
Fire Escape's BBS, 1999
Last revised: March 03, 1999